UX isn’t UX if it’s in a Web Vacuum
It’s tempting to consider UX a domain of the web. It tends to be discussed in terms that exclude it from the reality of face to face interaction, brand building, or brick & mortar stores.
It’s the other way around though. We extended UX to the web, and it’s true fundamentals, in my view, take place not on the virtual web, but the world around. That is why I consider myself fortunate to have, along with my partner, built a business that consists of an e-commerce website, a traveling store and a series of yearly live events - it's our fashion brand 50%DANGEROUS.
Not a Style Guide, but an Experience Guide
A style guide for a booth isn’t important. We can supply documentation on how to set it up should we not be there in person. The real key is no matter who is working the store, it needs to maintain the expected brand experience.
For that, we always train staff on what it means to work the 50%DANGEROUS store and remove ambiguity. It’s a matter of putting your best foot forward, and operating in the space with the intent of good faith, and friendship to all who enter.
Last but not least, we put on a really fun fashion show.
It’s a big show! We have musical performances from signers to full rock bands. We have the occasional celebrity participate, it’s about a half hour long that we can fit to accommodate a crowd of 25 or a crowd of 1000, no problem.
This is better seen than read, check it out below!